
Wow guys, it has been a long time since I have been on here. I love blogging but sometimes life just gets in the way and you have to prioritize your time. It has been exactly one year ago that I drove to North Carolina and took in my two young (really young) granddaughters. They are now ages 4 and 6. You talk about a handful. Holy Moly ! !

We drove down last October 1st and took them out of foster care. They had been there for 10 months and we fought the whole time to get them. Childrens Services just took there precious time and we went for months without hearing from the courts. Finally they said come get them" and we did. And that's when our lives completely changed.

First off, I had to take time off work to get them registered into Kindergarten and Preschool. Then I had to enroll them in daycare (damn that's expensive). Then when they started school, they caught every sickness that went around. Ugh ! !  Then Brianna who is 6 now had her appendix burst and spent a week in the hospital.

So trying to work, raise two small children, give Kevin the attention he deserves and keep up with my house and everything else, I had to step back from my blog. But now I am unemployed for the first time in 25 years. And I decided not to jump back in the work force anytime soon. I just need some me time and enjoy life for awhile. So with nothing to do while the girls are in school, I thought I would bring my blog back because I really miss working on it.

To all of you that are still following me, thank you for sticking around, I truly appreciate it.

Lori Sloan


Anonymous said...

Lori �� I miss you! Sorry about your job...but I know deep down you don't care! Love you and text me sometime! Laranda����

lori-loves-fashion said...

I miss you too :(
I was actually thinking about you this afternoon. I will definately text you soon. Love you bunches LaRanda.. xoxo ! !