Makeup and Beauty tips

Olive Oil
Olive oil is a great cure for all things dry. For soft cuticles, place your fingers in a bowl of warm olive oil. Olive oil is also a great way to remove waterproof mascara. Put a few drops on a cotton ball and smooth over closed eyes.

Pump Up the Shine!
Mix one part vinegar with four parts carbonated water, and soak dry hair. Leave on for 15 minutes before you shampoo to lock in shine and combat dullness.

Always Remember to Wiggle When Applying Mascara!
For maximum volume, make sure you get the mascara brush right in to the base of your eye lashes and see-saw it through.

Wide-set eyes
When the space between the inner corners is wider than the width of one eye, you're said to have wide-set eyes. Use darker shadows in the inner corners to make the eyes appear closer together.

Wide-set eyes

Falsey removal!
Use an oil-based remover to remove false eyelashes. Never pull the eyelashes off without using a remover; otherwise you can risk pulling and stretching your delicate eyelid skin. Treat your eyes with care!

When deciding what kind of eye look to do, consider your frames. Thick frames, go for a natural look. Thin frames, go for drama, drama!

Intense EyesWet your eyeshadow brush with water when applying eyeshadow for a stronger and darker color!

Use powder!
When filling in your brows try using powder! Although brow pencils may last longer, powder creates a more natural look! Set color in with a clear brow gel.

Make The Whites Of Your Eyes Look Brighter
To make the whites of your eyes look brighter, use a light blue pencil under the eyes. Blue eye shadow lightly applied under the eyes works just as well.

Neosporin isn't only for cuts!
Use it on stubborn white heads and pimples overnight to help clear and heal skin!

Neosporin isn't only for cuts!

Broken Blood Vessels on Your Face? 
Before bed wash your face and moisturize, then take a green grape, cut it in half and massage the open ended juice onto the problem area. Repeat this several times in 2 weeks and see the difference!!

Not too much!!
When using powder on your face always try to use as little as possible. Too much powder can seep into lines and creases on your face and make you skin appear dry and flakey!! To avoid excess, swirl a face brush over powder and then tap off any excess.

Revive Tired Eyes Fast
Run a couple of tea bags under hot water at first, and then cold water. Hold them over your eyes for at least 5 minutes. Watch fast results!

Can't find your makeup remover?
Use baby wipes! They can also be used to remove makeup stains from clothing!!

Can't find your makeup remover?

Oily Skin
To care for oily skin you should start with a gentle, foaming facial wash. This will remove dirt and oil without stripping away moisture. Soak cotton wool in a gentle astringent lotion and sweep it over your skin to refresh and cool it. Even oily skin needs a moisturizer, but chose a light, watery fluid; this will be enough for your skin. Allow the moisturizer to sink in and then absorb the excess with a tissue to prevent shine.

Too much blush?
Correct it by applying powder to a blending wedge and blending it in over the color to lighten.

Get the Red Out--of Your Pimple!
To combat the redness of a bad pimple, apply a Visine soaked q-tip to the pimple.

Get the Red Out--of Your Pimple!

Clay Masks!!
Not only are they an excellent way to get excess oil out from your pores but the clay actually dries up pimples and can also sooth your skin from those itchy bug bites!!!

1 comment

Anonymous said...

Def some good tips! I use the baby wipes as make up remover now but def going to try out the other tips!!!